The essence of trauma is disconnection.
How did we get separated and how do we reconnect? Gabor Maté


When an experience has been too fast, too unexpected and too overwhelming for you, it can get stuck in your body. You get stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response. This can manifest as chronic stress, alertness, being easily irritated, etc. Trauma can also occur if there was a lack of support and safety in our childhood. This can have a huge impact on how you are now.

Trauma treatment with body-oriented therapy will help you process these experiences in a gentle way, freeing you from identification with past experiences and allowing you to increasingly connect with your own core.

Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing works with overwhelming life experiences. We focus on the body, the felt sense and the stress patterns underlying the intense emotions. The aim is to support the nervous system in self-regulation, by safely and gradually discharging the survival energy that has taken hold in your body. This will help you move from fragmentation to integration, thereby restoring your sense of well-being.

If there was insufficient support and safety in your childhood, this can have a lot of impact on how you are in life now. In your early childhood, you developed certain behavioural patterns. These strategies, which were necessary to survive at the time, are often used unconsciously as an adult. What was helpful then may now be getting in the way of your contact with yourself and others. Getting more clarity on this can help you find a new, freer way of relating.

How does a session work?
We begin with an orienting conversation in which you can tell how you are doing and what you like to get out of this session for yourself. Your wish is the guideline of our work together. We explore the topic further during the conversation. Then you lie down on the massage table. Touch, with respect for your bounderies, is meant to help you feel better. This will connect you more with what’s going on inside you and allows you to explore at a deeper level. We often conclude with a brief look back at what we started with. This helps to integrate the changes that have taken place.

When do you choose trauma treatment?

  • If you notice that you have physical symptoms related to trauma (such as muscle tension, breathing problems or difficulty relaxing).
  • If you often experience feelings of dissociation, such as not feeling fully present, it can help you to become more aware of your own body and feelings.
  • If you are experiencing stress, anxiety or trauma: we focus on reducing the stress, anxiety and trauma stored in the body and increasing your sense of wellbeing.
  • You are stuck in old patterns: Thoughts, emotions or behaviours that are no longer helping you to move forward may be deeply rooted in your body.


  • Some clients experience relief from their symptoms after only a few sessions, especially if the problems are less profound. Then, scheduling 5 to 10 sessions may be sufficient. For clients working on deeper patterns, such as trauma, chronic stress or complex emotional issues, it may be necessary to work together over a longer period of time.

Read more
website: Somatic Experiencing
website: NARM